about | interdependent relations | the contingencies of the studio | adrift, lyrical, resistant poetics | indeterminacy and immanence | contact
Exhibition Research/Social Practice as Curator/Director
A little Closer, Aleph Contemporary, London
Field Notes, Aleph Contemporary, London
Sarah Lederman – Crowds and Spit
Cipher is a Key to a Code, C4RD, London
Fire versus Storm – Betsy Dadd
Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, Warburg Institute (digital / Online)
Digital Aesthetics, C4RD, London
Hidden Harlequin, C4RD, London
Janette Paris – in Residence, C4RD, London
Eva Gold – Let Me Look at You, C4RD, London
Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, Warburg Institute (digital / Online)
Digital Aesthetics, C4RD, London
Everything was Quiet, C4RD, London
Verknüpfungszwang, Warburg Institute, London
Crisis, Rescue and Renewal, Warburg Institute
Rhythm and Depiction, C4RD, London
Sebastiao Lopes, C4RD, London
Declan Jenkins, C4RD, London
Thomas Dowse, C4RD, London
Suspended Fruit, C4RD, London
Josh Armitage, C4RD, London
Tangled in the Brambles C4RD
Boomerang C4RD, London
Jamie Jenkinson: Optical Works,C4RD, London
Rosy Fingers C4RD, London
Collaboration C4RD, London
White Noise C4RD, London
Contact C4RD, London
Alligators in the Hall C4RD, London
19 Days of Drawing C4RD, London
Regine Bartsch C4RD, London
Max Heale: Collage C4RD, London
Surviving the Savage Sea C4RD, London
Travelling Light C4RD, London
Site Related C4RD, London
Play/Draw C4RD, London
George Charman C4RD, London
Kindersley/Foxhall C4RD, London
Christmas Spectacular C4RD, London
Ancient Earth, Opened Ground, C4RD, London
Joan Edlis, C4RD, London
Studio Notes, C4RD, London
Thinking Through Outline, C4RD
Rhythm/Presence, C4RD, London
Virginia Verran, C4RD, London
Orlando Campbell C4RD, London
Trazo Sacro – Drawing from Mexico, C4RD
Score and Script, C4RD, London
45, C4RD, London
Jubilee, C4RD, London
Hanging by a Thread, C4RD, London
Double Takes, C4RD, London
A Working Trace, C4RD, London
Tom De Freston: Golem, C4RD
258x333x64mm, C4RD, London
gest*, C4RD, London
the Thule, C4RD, London
LONDON/BERLIN Fruehsorge Contemporary Drawing, Berlin
Animated Drawing, C4RD, London
bob and roberta smith, C4RD, London
Terminal – Claire Morgan, C4RD
Julio Lopez Tornel, C4RD, London
45, C4RD, London
Beta, C4RD, London
Let my Eyes be your Mirror C4RD,
Escenarios Atípicos, C4RD, London
The Invention of Painting, C4RD
Silent Night, C4RD, London
William Corwin – lookinglike, C4RD
Paul Bench – Drawing a Collection, C4RD
Deliberations from a Collector, C4RD,
Alex Gough: Works in Progress, C4RD,
Marco Cali – Tiger Bay, C4RD, London
AS: in residence, C4RD, London
Nick and Phil Goss, C4RD, London
Shane Waltener, C4RD, London
Mary Yacoob, C4RD, London
Hand Joy, C4RD, London
Sarah Lederman C4RD
Stay Lucky!, C4RD, London
Virginia Neild – Inspired by Dance, C4RD
Daphne Warburg Astor – Diary Drawings, C4RD
Regine Bartsch: Auseinandersezung, C4RD
Thomas Mueller, C4RD, London
fourdayslong, C4RD, London
Hopscotch, C4RD, London
John Walker, C4RD, London
Massimo Franco, C4RD, London
Joel Fisher – Apographs, C4RD,
Jamie Foubert – Sketchbooks, C4RD,
Nick Fox – Phantasieblume, C4RD,
Shibui, C4RD, London
Raphael Pepper, C4RD, London
MaryClare Foa – November Score, C4RD
Abandoned by a Third Dimension, C4RD
Marga Steinwasser – Subterannea,C4RD
Joe Graham – Scratch/Itch, C4RD,
Unextinguished, C4RD, London
Jane Grisewood: Marking Time Drawing, C4RD
Lucinda Holmes, C4RD, London
Jordan McKenzie: From One to Another, C4RD,
Victor Timofeev, C4RD, London
Stephan Weitzel – WeddingCards, C4RD
Edition 1, C4RD, London
Drawing Journeys, C4RD, London
Alex Gough – Metsassa, C4RD, London
Diary Drawings, C4RD, London
Mia Pearlman and Gareth Bell-Jones,C4RD
Drawing Under Construction, C4RD,
Drawings from the SPAB, C4RD
Jordan McKenzie – Spent, C4RD Aquarium, C4RD, London
Launch!, C4RD, London
Lowerarchy, C4RD, London
Gordon Shrigley, C4RD, London
Harem – Adam de la Cour, C4RD,
Repellent, C4RD, London
Rachel Cattle – True Love, C4RD
Formula, C4RD, London
Deanna Sirlin – Circling, C4RD, London
Drawn Out, C4RD, London
After Michelangelo, C4RD, London
Deborah Harty – Daylight and Dust, C4RD
Ben Senior – Bestiary, C4RD, London
Dirk Krecker – Drawing Series, C4RD,
Sam Orlando Miller, C4RD, London
Jeni Burnell, C4RD, London
Nicholas Jones – Mellow Fruitfulness, C4RD
Charlie Cobb, C4RD, London
Ann Dowker – Strange Children, C4RD,
Drawing on Each Other, C4RD
The Landscape of Memory, C4RD,
Abrupt, C4RD, London
Pip Seymour – The Ledge, C4RD